Friday, February 29, 2008

Finally, a Minute

Lordy, it's been a busy week. Have not had five seconds to think about anything that doesn't have to do with my job. Late nights all around, and had to miss one of my art classes, to boot. Today is looking to be a bit more reasonable. So far, anyway. I feel like I do need to get refocused. I've been nibbling here and there, and haven't been good about tracking calorie intake this week, which I have learned the hard way is really essential for me to stay on track. I have done no physical activity outside normal daily ones at all. Haven't even done much city walking, because it's been miserably cold here.

I've held on to 158.5. Just 3 and a half pounds away from my goal, which I will likely revise once I hit it.

I haven't had jeans in about a million years, and have decided to get myself a pair when I get to 155, which I'm thinking is possible by St. Patrick's Day.

I just ordered a new spring trench coat and made the bold move of selecting the medium rather than the large, based on measurements. I can't remember the last time I bought something that was a medium instead of large.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

I plan to catch up on some sleep!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Skinny Pants

This morning: 158.5!

So nice to have this drop after piddling around in the low 160's for a couple of weeks.

I wore a pair of black pants that were my favorites for work for a long time. They made me look slim, and someone almost always remarked about it when I wore them.

They are now too big. This weekend I'm going shopping for some more, and I'll be needing a smaller size, for sure.

Yeehaw for that.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just Barely, But I'll Take It

159.5 this morning.

Not sure I'll hold onto that over the weekend, but hey, I'll take if for a day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ups and Downs

I got down to 160 this weekend and promptly shot back up to 162 and am now on the way back down. Definitely follows my pattern.

Still well on track to be in the 150's by the end of the month.

My plan to do yoga hasn't gone too well, and I have resigned myself to the fact that I am just not in the right state of mind to practice right now. There are too many distractions, and my schedule is too full. I will get back to it, but not, I think, until I am no longer taking two classes.

Re: Biggest Loser. Was so happy to see the person get voted off who did. I feel for him, but he was like a festering sore. I am certain that he will gain his weight back, because he wasn't losing it for himself in the first place. I think he wanted that ex wife back, and thought that being in that situation with her would do the trick. As much as she may thrive on his attention, it is clear that she would never go back. She left him after all, and that says it all.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Possibly Maybe

Over the weekend I may slip into the 150's.

This morning it was 160.5

Weekends are hard for me though, so I could be back and forth over a pound or half pound over the next week as a fallout.

I have yet to do any yoga this week. I did buy a yoga magazine yesterday, but somehow I don't think that counts.

The Husband is away for work, so I think tomorrow afternoon, I will hie myself unto a yoga studio for an Iyengar class.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Close, But No Cee-gar

This morning the scale greeted me with 161.5. I hopped off right quick lest it change its mind.

I had wanted to get to the 150s by Valentine's Day, but given that it's tomorrow, I think it's unlikely that I'm going to drop two more pounds.

So I'll revise that goal to say end of the month.

As far as my challenge for this week, I'm going to have to say it's to do yoga at least twice. It so far has not happened at all. And I missed my yoga classes last week. I'm going to have to just get it through my thick skull that two yoga classes and two art classes a week are not reasonable for me, and get back to home practice and try to get to one class on the weekends. I really was into home practice for a while last year, and it does have its benefits. I think getting to a class regularly is good though, because you could be doing all kinds of things wrong in the poses when practicing at home and not even know it.

So, I'm going to try to practice tomorrow morning (I had to get to work early this morning, tomorrow should be ok), and go to a class on Saturday or Sunday.

We won't even think about that gym membership I'm paying for and not using.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Feeling Better

Hopped on the scale this morning and it went down to 162 before settling on 162.5, but I'll take that.

If I can manage not to derail myself over the weekend (I have trouble with all that unstructured time), I might just meet my Valentine's mini goal of getting into the 150's, and 159.5 would most certainly count.

Part of my problem this week has been that I am just exhausted. Work really has been demanding. I've been coming in early so that I can have uninterrupted quiet time to do some writing for projects because the days have been filled with too many meetings (yesterday I spent about 5 hours in meetings). The art classes are demanding because they're long. My painting class tonight is 3 hours long, which will put me at home around 10:15 p.m.

I have not been to yoga this week because of the tired thing. I think that this semester, because of taking two classes, and the work schedule, I need to find a way to do yoga at home a couple of times a week, or just short sessions daily, and get to a class on the weekend. Both the teachers I like for Monday and Thursday classes are in India right now anyway, and will be for a couple of months.

The sun is supposed to shine tomorrow (though I may have to come in to work for a while), which will also help. It's been grey and rainy for a week here.

So feeling better.

Bon weekend!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Weightloss is going slowly.

The February blahs have set in.

So far so good on keeping the caffeine consumption down, though I did have a diet soda yesterday while I was in my drawing class after work. Was just so. tired.


Monday, February 04, 2008

Week 2 Challenge

I wrote a few posts back that Erin from Zeneriffic and I are doing challenges, sort of whatever we think of for ourselves, to get us through Februrary.

I hate February, though this one seems so far (though it is early in the month) to not be the resounding suck that it usually is. I remain unconvinced that it will not become so.

Last week, the challenge I put to myself was to break out of my eating rut of always going for my "safe" foods, that is, foods that I know exactly the calorie count/fat grams and the like for, and push myself to eat more vegetables, since I usually get plenty of fruit.

I think I did a pretty good job on that one, and ended up eating mostly vegetarian over the past week except for some steamed prawns at a business lunch.

So, I consider that a success. It got me through another week of tracking and sticking to my plan. I am up a half pound right now. I had a slice of pizza yesterday, a good ol' New York cheese slice with some broccoli on it. I don't know what they do, but I'm always thirsty for days after indulging in one.

So for this week I have two goals. One is to substitute green tea or herbal tea for coffee during the day. I have taken to drinking gallons of coffee, and I know it is contributing to the poor sleep I've been having. So I can have one coffee a day, but otherwise, it's green tea or herbal tea. And no caffinated diet sodas either.

The other goal is to get to yoga twice. Because of work, I had to miss my usual Thursday yoga, so I only went once last week. I could have made up a session this weekend, but did not. I always feel better when I do yoga, so I'm going to make sure I go twice, even if that means going on Saturday or Sunday because of missing one from work.