Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Revelation

Thanks to all for the good luck and good wishes. I have a check-up scheduled with my "lady parts doctor" next week, just for a check-up and a chat with her. I do have fibroids, and I'd like to hear her thoughts on what that means for my chances, though she asks me every time I go for a check-up if I've thought about having children yet, so she must believe there is some hope.

Now to the revelation. Since I made the decision to try to get myself knocked up, I've been realizing some things that I was eating are not things that I probably should ever have been eating. The faux foods that are low-calorie and low on everything else (like nutrients), and long on lists of unpronounceable ingredients don't seem like such a good idea to me now. I'll pass on the Light and Fit Dannon, thanks. And ditto on that Diet Swiss Miss Cocoa. Diet soda? Hell no.

It's a little sad to me to think that I didn't have enough respect for my own body before trying to get it pregnant to not eat things that I wouldn't eat now.

If that makes any sense.

No matter what happens with the "varmint creation project", as The Husband and I have been calling it, I think a good rule of thumb from now on is, if I wouldn't eat it while trying to get pregnant, I probably shouldn't eat it at all.


Blogger Debbi said...

I can't stand that slimy, gelatinous crap known as "light yogurt." Ewww! Give me the real thing, unflavored, preferably that thick, creamy Greek type and I'm a happy girl.

I am, however, hooked on diet soda, although I certainly wouldn't be drinking it before or during a pregnancy.

Thank goodness those days are behind me. I'm enjoying lots o' grandchildren now!

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that's a really smart revelation you got there. I'm questioning some of the foods that I have been eating lately too, and when I actually read the label, I'm not sure you could even consider it food. Scary stuff out there!!

Good luck with doc - I hope she gives you a good report!! =)

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but...

If you do get pregnant, you might find all idealism shot to hell. For 10-12 weeks it's common to feel so constantly queasy that you can only eat one or two foods without throwing up and in my case, those one or two foods were never broccoli. :P

I remember the chili dog phase well. I never eat those normally. And for about three weeks I had to eat 1-2 cans of tuna daily or die, I was sure. Mercury much?

And when that phase was over, in the last week it was a bucket of Icee daily (the sugar!). Your body just completely overrides your brain. You won't be able to do this perfectly so don't set yourself up for that failure, trust me. You'll fail enough (all mothers do) without starting with foods in pregnancy.

10:07 AM  
Blogger LME said...

Heh, Diana. If we are successful and I do get pregnant, I'll predict that I will crave the most disgustingly unhealthy things it's possible to consume. Pork rinds and Yoohoo, anyone?

4:37 PM  

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