Sunday, April 27, 2008

Still Alive and Kicking

I'm still here. Still crazy busy. I'll be traveling again for work this coming week, and may be headed to Europe for work the following week or week after. Still not sure. 

On the smoking front, I think I have finally made up my mind to quit. It is making me feel horrible, and my asthma has been kicking up. So yesterday I went and bought some nicotine gum. I used the patch when I quit before, and I didn't like it. Made my bones ache wherever I put the patch. And I don't actually smoke all that much comparatively (been averaging 5 to 10 a day), though I could certainly end up being a heavy smoker again (I once did two packs a day, about ten years ago when I was going through a divorce and was still in grad school), so the patch, even the lowest dose, would be too much. I'm planning to split the gum pieces in half. I haven't actually needed one yet, because I've been tending not to really smoke on the weekends, just at work.

Eating has been ok. I've felt like I've been a little bit sugar nibbly, but the scale has stayed consistently around 152-153. Will just have to watch it as I go off the smokes that I don't substitute that with constant eating.

The weather is warmer finally, so I've been walking more. And my two art classes I was taking this semester are winding up. The painting class is done. The drawing class only has two more sessions, one of which I'll miss this week because of traveling. Am not sure if I'll take anything this summer, but I should, even if I do take one, have more time to fit in some yoga. My gym membership is about to expire, and I'm not planning to renew. There are only so many hours in the day, and I am not interested in spending any of the free ones I have at the gym. Outside doing something, yes.  A yoga class, yes. But the gym, absolutely not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That wore me out just reading how busy you are!!
Good for you for quitting the smokes - I was a social smoker in college, and not too long ago I smoked with a friend over margaritas. The next morning I felt like I had bronchitis or something. My old-ish lungs just can't handle it anymore!! One of the many perks of pushing 40! =)

Be safe traveling this week, and Europe? Ooh la la! =)

8:57 AM  
Blogger Grumpy Chair said...

I smoked my last semester in college because my roommate did. But once I graduated, I only occasionally did for a few months afterwards. I know it is tough to quit, but you can do it.

I hope you have a little time to enjoy sight seeing while in Europe for work.

Take care.

4:42 PM  

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