Looking for My Lost Weight Loss Mojo
I seem to have lost my momentum.
I have been lazy about tracking. And I've been slacking off on weighing because I've been lazy about tracking and have also been having that "feeling fat" thing, which I know is not really about fat and as I found this morning when I actually did get on the scale was way off the mark because I've actually lost a pound from goal.
This morning I was at 154.
I do need to find that momentum, motivation, whatchacallit, because I know how I am, and not tracking and avoiding the scale and generally eating whatever I want all the time, damn the consequences is how I end up back in the 180s and in tight size 14s.
I have new spring clothes I haven't even gotten to wear yet, after all, that are in my new smaller size.
And I bought new bras. Very expensive new bras.
Are you listening self? I'm trying to reason with you right now.
You'll find it! You will I'm sure.
Maybe you just needed a little break cause you were hitting it pretty hard there for awhile. I think a weight loss vacation was just what you needed, but you know that you can't take a vacay forever, so you are getting back on track. I say that is a step in the right direction!
Great job girl!!
I laughed about the new bras. I went down a bra size when I lost 30 pounds and splurged on a couple of Wacoal bras ($mid 50 which is more expensive than the usual Bali on sale bras I bought in the past). I think I wore them for about two months before the weight started to show back up.
Jill speaks words of wisdom.
I know that you will find your mojo again. It's still there inside of you. I wish I had the easy answer for how to flip that switch, but I don't. It is a day to day battle for me to keep moving forward.
It may help if you start wearing those new spring clothes. The better you feel the more you will want to keep feeling good. :)
GC, I bought three freakin' Chantelle bras. I'm not even going to type out how much they cost because it is OUTRAGEOUS that I spent that much money. On bras. When the kind from Gap Body used to do just fine. I took myself to Bloomingdale's though, and got a fitting, and tried on a bunch of different ones and was back and forth between the Calvin Kleins and the Chantelles which were much, much, outrageously more than the CKs, and well, you know, the Chantelles just FIT so much better, see. Oh, the way I can justify things to myself.
I feel like when you are working on something and lose your motivation, it's at the point where you are turning a project into a habit. Keep working at it and you will get your drive back and create a life style change.
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