Friday, January 25, 2008

Work = Crazy Today

So not much of a post.

Last night had to miss yoga for a going away drinky thing after work for a colleague who is moving on to greener pastures.

Was not happy about missing yoga, but I don't want to get so control-freaky about it that I can't make time for something like an impromptu after work get-together.

I did not drink alcohol and didn't even miss it, nor did I smoke any cigarettes, which I did not want because I was not drinking alcohol. I was happy when I woke up this morning and did not have to feel the effects of either of those substances.

Appetizers were ordered: chicken fingers and potato skins, and I did have some, along with a couple of non-alcoholic beers, which were not bad at all. Everyone I was with knew I'd quit drinking, so there was none of that aw c'mon have this or have that going on.

I am up another half pound, I'm pretty sure because of the salty snacks and the near-beer. I was still within calorie range, despite having some of the snacks last night (since that ended up being dinner; got home too late for a proper meal).

Good weekend all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like such a heel - the other day when I *toasted* your loosey goosey green jeans, I totally was not thinking about you and your decision to quit drinking. I hope you don't think I was being insensitive, I mean it was insensitive, but I sure didn't mean for it to be!!! So sorry!!!

::slinks away feeling stoopid:: =(

1:09 PM  
Blogger LME said...

Not to worry, Jill!

I mean, quitting drinking is a big deal for me, but also not a big deal, if you know what I mean.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, good. I know what you mean. Have a good weekend!

4:18 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Good for you on not drinking and it is probably definitely the sodium content resulting in the gain, the beautiful thing is instead of waking up feeling terrible from drinking and/or smoking you get to roll out of bed and eat well without a trashed out stomach or do yoga because there's no headache or dehydrated feeling. At least that's how I feel about it and why I rarely ever drink anymore when I used to be a total partier. Rock on, you are awesome.

10:18 PM  

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