Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Walking Through Mud

This morning: 166.5

This point is usually the point where I start to lag in my weightloss efforts. I've lost a good bit, and the loss has slowed, and I start to lose focus. I think I was about in this weight range when I bailed last time. I'm feeling good, looking good, my clothes are all fitting much better, and I'm feeling pissy about having to spend time tracking food. I have yet to step foot in the gym, other than to drop off my workout clothes, since before Christmas. And unless I start going in the a.m., I'm not sure I will anytime soon, since my art classes are about to start up, the first this Friday, and the other, next Tuesday, with yoga on Mondays and Thursdays. It's been a smidge warmer here in the city, so I've been doing enough walking to the tune of having mild shin-splinty pain, but I'm certainly not burning a lot of calories through exercise at the moment.

I'm deteremined not to let myself give up so easily this time around, though.

So onward, even if it is through thick sticky mud.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW - way to go! you've almost hit the 20 pound mark - keep going, you'll make it eventually. Art class sounds like fun, and you are walking and doing yoga, so I really wouldn't worry too much about hitting the gym. Just keep eating well and moving and you'll be fine!! =)

11:01 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Slog on sister!! :) You can make it through the mud.

11:13 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

I'm having a similar feeling, perhaps there is a way we could encourage each other out of this. Let me know if you think of something because right now I feel like I am just flailing around.

10:54 AM  

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