Friday, December 07, 2007

Setting a Realistic Goal

I turned 40 this summer. I started noticing my body changing, though, when I hit my mid-30's. When I gain weight now, I gain it differently than I used to. It all goes to my midsection now, as opposed to my butt.

Part of my getting a handle on this latest gain has included signing up for and using Spark People. They automatically set my goal weight for me at 137.

I'm trying to remember the last time I weighed 137.

I think it was while I was going through the divorce from my first husband and was living on cigarettes and black coffee.

I weighed in the mid 140's through most of high school, not mid 130's. And through most of my adult life, when I haven't been starving and getting down to 119 in college or stress eating my way into the 180's, when things are as they should be, I'm usually in the mid-150s. I'd like to get there again and stay there.

So I'm saying goal weight: 155.

This morning I was at 179.5.


Blogger Kim said...

WOW - you've already kicked the 180's out the window!! Excellent work!! :)

11:27 PM  

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